Goals and purpose are at the center of your everyday life. They provide a kind of compass that guides you through life and help you find meaning in everything you do. Break down the goal-setting process into manageable chunks to make it more effective for yourself.
Goal Setting
Goal setting is an essential part of any successful diet. Most people are not aware of the power that goal setting has in their life. Setting goals can be done in a number of ways, but the most effective way is to set daily goals. With this method, your daily goals become what you do rather than what you eat and it adds more consistency to your diet.
Goal Setting with a Specific Time Frame
Setting an objective is hard, but it can be made easier with a time frame. By setting specific dates or timed goals, you can see your progress towards the future so that you don’t slip up and ignore the task entirely.
What to do if You Lapse on Your Goals
Lapsed goals are not the end of the world. If you have taken a week or two off from following your plans, there are some things you can do to get back on track. First, just keep in mind that any lapse will be temporary if it is done with intention. Second, break down your goals into smaller pieces so that you’re not stressed about getting them all done at once. Finally, set small, attainable goals each day so that you aren’t overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task at hand.
Rewards for Goals Completed
Goal setting is a very powerful tool. It can be very motivating to set goals and then see them happen. What makes goal setting even more effective is when we make rewards for goals completed. These rewards obviously don’t have to come in the form of money, but rather things like time off, phone calls from loved ones, or a personal reward like an extra hour in bed.
This article recommends setting shorter term goals and not focusing on the long term. The article states that goal setting is so effective because it allows people to examine their feelings of self-worth and understand their values.